27.05.2021 in Confident FaithTHE ORION CENTER for the Study of the
Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature
מרכז אוריון לחקר מגילות מדבר יהודה והספרות הקרובה להן
ALL POSTS Redemption Process WHAT WE KNOW
26.04.2021 in BIBLE | WHATWE KNOWLINK TOGETHER What We Know & How We Know It
Redemption Process
To this hour, second, minute the Redemption Process is in progress, initiated by the Creator, in Genesis 3:15. The entire plan, purpose and goal is detailed in one verse, detailing the rescue remedy for the Fall. Genesis God, tells Cain if you pay complete attention to what I speak, Cain would not. Seth was born an appointed offspring; at the time of Seth men began to call upon the name of the Lord, hence the term Yahweh, God’s Grace Appears! Time can only be quantified outside the Garden; Adam lived 130 years outside the Garden and became father of Seth. After Seth the days of Adam are 800 years. 930 are years outside the Garden. Inside the Garden time was not measured. The approximate 4000 years, reverse age-date mathmatics counted backward, are the years of the lineage of Seth to Christ; not the consummate time of Adam’s whole Life. There is No Way to project the years of life of Adam Eve Cain and Able while in the Garden. Cain and God, do agree there are Others` outside the Garden; Neanderthals, etc. are Kind Creatures, created without the Breathe of God; and quite able to kill Cain, thus God places a-Mark on Cain.
God’s Remedy WHAT WE KNOW
26.04.2021 in BIBLE | WHATWE KNOWGod’s Remedy
Adam as representative of God Breathed, Human Star Dust, Homo Sapien progresses through Temptation, Fall, consequent Forfeiture of Paradise.
Followed by retributive punishment. Most have not been taught that Punishment is vindictive rectitude, not vindictive passion and it is the reaction of Holiness of God against all violations of it. Suffering for Sin is a Judical Penalty, a penalty inflicted by Devine Judgment, and belongs to the Moral Realm. First the Serpents then the Serpent’s Seeds. The Seed of the Woman is singular. A single Redeemer from Serpent Sins. Leaves, something was sacrificed, for the sin… they are still in the Garden; questioned by God, their sin is covered with animal skin, a blood sacrifice performed first by God. The Lord God cuts them off from His paradise blessings and expels them into the world of the Others, Neanderthal, etc. On account of sin man is kept out of Paradise, in execution of God’s Wrath, with curses to the 3 three; Adam, Eve, the Serpent. pronouncement is declared on the Seed of the Woman and the Seeds` of the Serpent. The Seed of the Woman sheds His own blood, as sacrifice. Once for All …that will receive Him. 2nd
God’s Paradise Garden WHAT WE KNOW
26.04.2021 in BIBLE | WHATWE KNOWNothing can be more practical then the Study of Prophecy
How, are we to serve our Father, if we neglect the greater part of His Word in which he has condiSsendd to unfold to us His thoughts, open out to us His plans, instruct us as to the way in which He intends to glorify Himself in Christ, shedding His own light on the Whole Scene that surrounds us in the 21st century, a scene which constitutes the sphere in which we are Called to Walk, so as to please and Glorify God.
Being, acquainted with the Father’s character and habits, as well as from familiarity with his Father’s purposes and plans, to have an intuitive perception of what will be pleasing to his Father, of what will give his Father joy.
The ONLY Thing the Creator and Let Us; ever wanted… East of Palestine. A delight, near Tigris, Euphrates, planted with trees Genesis 2:8-17
3:8 Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden. And from there it divided and became four rivers. 11 The name of the first is name of the first is <strong>Pishon</strong>. It flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 The gold of that land is good. Bdellium and onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is <strong>Gihon</strong>. It flows around the whole land of Cush. 14 The name of the third river is <strong>Tigris</strong>. It flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the <strong>Euphrates</s