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04.03.2021 in Confident Faith Abram |  Covenant Promise Genesis 15:12-21 ALL LAND of Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hitties, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites: from the Nile to the Euphrates-Genesis 15:18 …given to Abram|Abraham, cross reference Ezekiel 47:13 to 48:29, future. Abram to Abraham Covenant of Circumcision Name Change Genesis 17… Ishmael, Abrahamic Covenant of Circumcision as Seed of Abraham intended under Covenant of 12 Princes a Great Nation, Twelve Rulers, Great Blessings over Ishmael’s Lineage, Genesisi 17:18-27. Isaac Covenant Everlasting for descendents, Genesis 17:1-16. Genesis 26 account of Esua; Genesis 36 …thus dwelt Esua in Mt. Seir: Esua is Edom. Jacob Covenant Genesis 28.  Joseph Chapters 39-49; JACOB DIES Genesis 50 Egypt Redeemer JOSEPH DIES  Genesis 50: 22-26 …So Ends The Book Of Genesis. REPEATING REPEATING   KNOWLEDGE MATTERS | GOD’S STORYLINE In The Beginning, Universe, Earth, Star Dust, 6 Days of Creation 1 Shabbot Rest Day; CREATION 7 DAYS; spoken animal Creatures including Kind Creatures called Others by Cain, Neanderthal, No Breathe of God Creatures, known as biblical, Others, would harm Cain outside the Garden. Inside Garden – Adam & Eve,  Sons & Daughters …all with Breathe of God. The One Garden Prophecy- Genesis through Revelations.  Adam, Breathe of God | Eve rib of Adam inside the Garden until the Fall. The Fall | MESSIANIC REDEMPTION PROMISE GENESIS 22:9 & GENESIS 22:16-18. SEED OF THE WOMAN Adam | Eve | Cain Outside the Garden. Able Murdered, Cain lineage ceased after 7 Generations, third son Seth born Outside the Garden to Adam [1st Generation], & Eve. Seth the 3rd son at Creation Time – Genesis 4:25, Seth’s [2nd Generation], Hebrew Bible Lineage: Enos [3rd Generation], Cainan [4th Generation], Mahalaleel [5th Generation], Jared [6th Generation], ENOCH son of Jared| Enoch [ 7th generation from Adam (Heb. Chanowk) Enoch’s Message Delivery System… multi-visits to Heaven, returns with messages, his sons are assigned to deliver the messages to the ANTI-DILUVIAN WORLD; then; ENOCH was not! God took him! Methuselah, Lamech, Noah 10th generation from Adam, NOAH’S Sons, Shem | Ham | Japheth & Wives – Both Anti-Diluvian and Diluvian, original 70 Nations of current Earth, are birthed from SHEM, HAM AND JAPHETH, all Diluvian including us, present day humans of earth. Abram|Abraham 14th generation from Adam… the foundation of the Hebrew Heritage Legacy Covenant Promises, Heaven’s Grace… to Abram|Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. Legal Covenants Declared | Promised to Abram | Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, corporately, nationally and individually through the Line of King David, to the Anointed Son of God, to the Anointed One by priestly Cohen’ heritage of John the Baptist; the final Lamb Sacrifice, the last Conqueror and final Redeemer of Mankind… The Genesis 3:15 Redemption Plan; continuous Redemption of the People of Israel; through preservation from Famine: Bondage, Captivity, lack of properly understanding the BIBLE STORYLINE INCLUDING PROPHETIC TIMELINES, attached to and referenced by the Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Zechariah …Matthew 24 Great Tribulation outlined with, Revelation in full current Reality View today …its a wrap. GOD WITH US Immanuel God is With Us!: Isaiah 7 14 x 9:6-7 …throne of David x Matthew 1:23 X ISAIAH 8:8-10 PASHCAL LAMB[Isaiah 53:7 …like a Lamb to Slaughter] Numbers 9:1 , [Isaiah 63 King of Kings Lord of Lords, Conqueror …their life blood sprinkled on My garments at Bozrah], Jeremiah 31:31 …will make a NEW COVENANT … Jeremiah 31:32 …not like the Exodus – Deuteronomy Covenant Ezekiel 37:14 …I will place you in your own Land[Event happened 1948]. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken and done it, declares the Lord. Joel 2:28-29; Zechariah 12:10 and this is where Father changes the Storyline, the Sign of the Two Sticks … For Judah and for children of Israel and Companions; for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim all the House of Israel and Companions; shall not be divided into 2 Kingdoms any more at all. Ezekiel 38 The Prophecy against Gog… Arab States, Egyptian Nationalists, Military Coup Iran, Baghdad Pact, Nasser, Suez Crisis, Attack on Sinai, Nasser & Soviet Union, Egypt and Syria joined as UAR United Arab Republic 1958, King Faisal Iraq Murdered, Central Treaty Organization CENTO, Kuwait, Aden, Sallal & Nasser, South Yemen-National Liberation Front. 1967; 1964 Cairo Conference, Palestine Liberation Organization setup, PLO. Arabs, diverting waters of Jordan, act of war; Terrorist Acts, Border Clashes, Soviet Union supports Arabs; THE SIX DAY WAR 1967, Arab Defeat U.n Cease Fire, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization UNTSO; Israel took in 1,500,000 Gaza Strip and West Bank Palestinians. The Superpowers step in… excerpt. Conflict in the 20th Century The Middle East, Charles Messenger 1987. Goes on to cover, Resolution 242, War in Oman, Black September, SadatLod Airport Massacre, Yom Kippur War 1973, Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries OAPEC raised prices 70% and Boycotted supplies to countries that supported Israel. Henry Kissinger Israel and Egypt Withdrawal, Lebanese Civil War, Entebbe Raid, Sadat Goes To Israel. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon UNIFIL, DeadLock; Camp David Agreeement, Carter, Sadat, Begin 1979, HOLY WAR 1979 Shah of Iran deposed, two weeks later, Ayatollah R. Khomeini, founder of Islamic Republic arrived in Tehran, capitol of Iran. In 1979, CENTO removed from Iran; Iranian women ordered, to put on Chowdah’, Shah advocates thrown in prison or executed. Khomeini’s followers, the Revolutionary Guard. Iranian Hostage Crisis, Islamic Fundamentalism, Gulf Cooperation Council GCC, Soviet’s Invade Afghanistan, Iran Iraq, , The Gulf War 1980, Operation Peace of Galilee, Israel Invades,Sabra and Shatilla, Beirut Hijacking 1985, Assad, Yasser Arafat, Hezbollah, The Hussein Plan …to give the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians as a Homeland’, under the control of the Jordanians and Egyptians. It did not work; Opposed by Assad. 1987, December 8: First intifada uprising Palestinians West Bank and Gaza Strip. Israeli army tear gas, plastic bullets, and live rounds. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin creates Hamas from the Gaza wing of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood…1989: Osama bin Laden founds the al-Qaeda network. The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), code named Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) February 26, 1993: A van bomb explodes in the garage of the World Trade Center in New York City. August 7, 1998: U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, are bombed simultaneously. July 25, 2000: A peace summit at Camp David between Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat ends without agreement. 2000, September: Palestinians riot Ariel Sharon, Likud party in Israel, visits the Temple Mount (the Noble Sanctuary) in Jerusalem. Second intifada begins. September 11, 2001: Two commercial airliners strike the World Trade Center complex in New York City, and one strikes the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. 911 Ezekiel 39, partial, yet, future Ezekiel 39:25-29 gathered inot their Land… Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have Poured Out My Spirit upon the House of Israel… cross reference Joel 2 Daniel the actionable prophetic King Cyrus of Persia Isaiah 45:1, restorer of Holy City Isaiah 44:28, Zechariah 14:1-11 predicted Isaiah release from captivity to return to the Land Daniel 2 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 11-12 Prophetic Timelines Revelation Publishes the STORYLINE of Jesus Anointed as Christ, to show the Servants of Immanuel, the Paschal Lamb, Conquerors the things which must soon take place after 100AD… prior to his death the Apostle John Seals the Book with a Living Curse… to ward any who would adds,any who subtracts from the Hebrew pages of the Book. THE BOOK TODAY KNOWN AS THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS COMMENTARY AND REFERENCE WORKS. ISRAEL’S STORYLINE WITHIN GOD’S STORYLINE The Great Vision Genesis 37:1 THRU 44:9 given Joseph son of Jacob. Through the Covenant Promise to Abram|Abraham; the Nation of Israel would return to the Land promised after 400 year. Genesis 15:13. It is through Joseph’s Legacy of Never wavering concerning the Vision, that preservation through famine, was made possible. The Pharoah Monarchy changes transforming Israel to slaves, of the mud bricks, thus the Exodus;  Moses Exodus, Joshua’s Entrance back into Palestine, after 400 Years. The Jebusite [Ham Lineage] Owned Land At Time King David [Shem Lineage]and King Solomon – 1000BC-900BC conquered, the Temple Mount Land Threshing Floor is purchased from biblical, Araunah the Jebusite, who personally owned the threshing Floor Mount. The purchase and Deed account is found in  2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21. Araunah – Wikipedia Abram |  Covenant Promise Genesis 15:12-21 ALL LAND of Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hitties, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites: from the Nile to the Euphrates-Genesis 15:18 …given to Abram|Abraham, cross reference Ezekiel 47:13 to 48:29, future. Abram to Abraham Covenant of Circumcision Name Change Genesis 17… Ishmael, Abrahamic Covenant of Circumcision as Seed of Abraham intended under Covenant of 12 Princes a Great Nation, Twelve Rulers, Great Blessings over Ishmael’s Lineage, Genesisi 17:18-27. Isaac Covenant Everlasting for descendents, Genesis 17:1-16. Genesis 26 account of Esua; Genesis 36 …thus dwelt Esua in Mt. Seir: Esua is Edom. Jacob Covenant Genesis 28.  Joseph Chapters 39-49; JACOB DIES Genesis 50 Egypt Redeemer JOSEPH DIES  Genesis 50: 22-26 …So Ends The Book Of Genesis.


04.03.2021 in Confident Faith

In The Beginning, Universe, Earth, Star Dust, 6 Days of Creation 1 Shabbot Rest Day; CREATION 7 DAYS; spoken animal Creatures including Kind Creatures called Others by Cain, Neanderthal, No Breathe of God Creatures, known as biblical, Others, would harm Cain outside the Garden. Inside Garden – Adam & Eve,  Sons & Daughters …all with Breathe of God. The One Garden Prophecy- Genesis through Revelations.  Adam, Breathe of God | Eve rib of Adam inside the Garden until the Fall. The Fall | MESSIANIC REDEMPTION PROMISE GENESIS 22:9 & GENESIS 22:16-18. SEED OF THE WOMAN

Adam | Eve | Cain Outside the Garden.
Able Murdered, Cain lineage ceased after 7 Generations, third son Seth born Outside the Garden to Adam [1st Generation], & Eve. Seth the 3rd son at Creation Time – Genesis 4:25, Seth’s [2nd Generation], Hebrew Bible Lineage: Enos [3rd Generation], Cainan [4th Generation], Mahalaleel [5th Generation], Jared [6th Generation], ENOCH son of Jared| Enoch [ 7th generation from Adam (Heb. Chanowk) Enoch’s Message Delivery System… multi-visits to Heaven, returns with messages, his sons are assigned to deliver the messages to the ANTI-DILUVIAN WORLD; then; ENOCH was not! God took him! Methuselah, Lamech, Noah 10th generation from Adam, NOAH’S Sons, Shem | Ham | Japheth & Wives – Both Anti-Diluvian and Diluvian, original 70 Nations of current Earth, are birthed from SHEM, HAM AND JAPHETH, all Diluvian including us, present day humans of earth. Abram|Abraham 14th generation from Adam… the foundation of the Hebrew Heritage Legacy Covenant Promises, Heaven’s Grace… to Abram|Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. 

Legal Covenants Declared | Promised to Abram | Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, corporately, nationally and individually through the Line of King David, to the Anointed Son of God,
to the Anointed One by priestly Cohen’ heritage of John the Baptist; the final Lamb Sacrifice, the last Conqueror and final Redeemer of Mankind… The Genesis 3:15 Redemption Plan; continuous Redemption of the People of Israel; through preservation from Famine: Bondage, Captivity, lack of properly understanding the BIBLE STORYLINE INCLUDING PROPHETIC TIMELINES, attached to and referenced by the Books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Zechariah …Matthew 24 Great Tribulation outlined with, Revelation in full current Reality View today …its a wrap.

GOD WITH US Immanuel God is With Us!: Isaiah 7 14 x 9:6-7 …throne of David x Matthew 1:23 X ISAIAH 8:8-10


PASHCAL LAMB[Isaiah 53:7 …like a Lamb to Slaughter] Numbers 9:1 ,

[Isaiah 63 King of Kings Lord of Lords, Conqueror …their life blood sprinkled on My garments at Bozrah],

Jeremiah 31:31 …will make a NEW COVENANT … Jeremiah 31:32 …not like the Exodus – Deuteronomy Covenant
Ezekiel 37:14 …I will place you in your own Land[Event happened 1948]. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken and done it, declares the Lord. Joel 2:28-29; Zechariah 12:10 and this is where Father changes the Storyline, the Sign of the Two Sticks … For Judah and for children of Israel and Companions; for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim all the House of Israel and Companions; shall not be divided into 2 Kingdoms any more at all.
Ezekiel 38 The Prophecy against Gog… Arab States, Egyptian Nationalists, Military Coup Iran, Baghdad Pact, Nasser, Suez Crisis, Attack on Sinai, Nasser & Soviet Union, Egypt and Syria joined as UAR United Arab Republic 1958, King Faisal Iraq Murdered, Central Treaty Organization CENTO, Kuwait, Aden, Sallal & Nasser, South Yemen-National Liberation Front. 1967; 1964 Cairo Conference, Palestine Liberation Organization setup, PLO. Arabs, diverting waters of Jordan, act of war; Terrorist Acts, Border Clashes, Soviet Union supports Arabs; THE SIX DAY WAR 1967, Arab Defeat U.n Cease Fire, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization UNTSO; Israel took in 1,500,000 Gaza Strip and West Bank Palestinians. The Superpowers step in… excerpt. Conflict in the 20th Century The Middle East, Charles Messenger 1987.
Goes on to cover, Resolution 242, War in Oman, Black September, SadatLod Airport Massacre, Yom Kippur War 1973, Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries OAPEC raised prices 70% and Boycotted supplies to countries that supported Israel. Henry Kissinger Israel and Egypt Withdrawal, Lebanese Civil War, Entebbe Raid, Sadat Goes To Israel. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon UNIFIL, DeadLock; Camp David Agreeement, Carter, Sadat, Begin 1979, HOLY WAR 1979 Shah of Iran deposed, two weeks later, Ayatollah R. Khomeini, founder of Islamic Republic arrived in Tehran, capitol of Iran. In 1979, CENTO removed from Iran; Iranian women ordered, to put on Chowdah’, Shah advocates thrown in prison or executed. Khomeini’s followers, the Revolutionary Guard. Iranian Hostage Crisis, Islamic Fundamentalism, Gulf Cooperation Council GCC, Soviet’s Invade Afghanistan, Iran Iraq, , The Gulf War 1980, Operation Peace of Galilee, Israel Invades,Sabra and Shatilla, Beirut Hijacking 1985, Assad, Yasser Arafat, Hezbollah, The Hussein Plan …to give the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians as a Homeland’, under the control of the Jordanians and Egyptians. It did not work; Opposed by Assad. 1987, December 8: First intifada uprising Palestinians West Bank and Gaza Strip. Israeli army tear gas, plastic bullets, and live rounds. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin creates Hamas from the Gaza wing of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood…1989: Osama bin Laden founds the al-Qaeda network. The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), code named Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) February 26, 1993: A van bomb explodes in the garage of the World Trade Center in New York City. August 7, 1998: U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, are bombed simultaneously. July 25, 2000: A peace summit at Camp David between Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat ends without agreement. 2000, September: Palestinians riot Ariel Sharon, Likud party in Israel, visits the Temple Mount (the Noble Sanctuary) in Jerusalem. Second intifada begins. September 11, 2001: Two commercial airliners strike the World Trade Center complex in New York City, and one strikes the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. 911

Ezekiel 39, partial, yet, future Ezekiel 39:25-29 gathered inot their Land… Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have Poured Out My Spirit upon the House of Israel… cross reference Joel 2
Daniel the actionable prophetic King Cyrus of Persia Isaiah 45:1, restorer of Holy City Isaiah 44:28, Zechariah 14:1-11 predicted Isaiah release from captivity to return to the Land Daniel 2 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 11-12 Prophetic Timelines

Revelation Publishes the STORYLINE of Jesus Anointed as Christ, to show the Servants of Immanuel, the Paschal Lamb, Conquerors the things which must soon take place after 100AD… prior to his death the Apostle John Seals the Book with a Living Curse… to ward any who would adds,any who subtracts from the Hebrew pages of the Book. THE BOOK TODAY KNOWN AS THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS COMMENTARY AND REFERENCE WORKS.


The Great Vision Genesis 37:1 THRU 44:9 given Joseph son of Jacob. Through the Covenant Promise to Abram|Abraham; the Nation of Israel would return to the Land promised after 400 year. Genesis 15:13. It is through Joseph’s Legacy of Never wavering concerning the Vision, that preservation through famine, was made possible. The Pharoah Monarchy changes transforming Israel to slaves, of the mud bricks, thus the Exodus;  Moses Exodus, Joshua’s Entrance back into Palestine, after 400 Years. The Jebusite [Ham Lineage] Owned Land At Time King David [Shem Lineage]and King Solomon – 1000BC-900BC conquered, the Temple Mount Land Threshing Floor is purchased from biblical, Araunah the Jebusite, who personally owned the threshing Floor Mount. The purchase and Deed account is found in  2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21. Araunah – Wikipedia



04.03.2021 in Confident Faith

The Prophetic Course of Mankind through Prophetic Times within the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls… HEBREW BIBLE is STORYLINE comprehensible when multiple Books are applied, especially Jeremiah 25; the first classic hint to the comprehension of Biblical Text. THE SEVENTY YEARS (70). Daniel identifies his error in Bible Study, have you? Daniel immediately Repents, have you? not only for himself but for his people as well. The Biblical text explains while Daniel was still praying, GABRIEL ARRIVED, the Messenger Arch Angel of God; to explain was is written in the Heavenly Book of Truth… a chronology by prevailing consecutive Gentile Empires to rule the Earth… until the Times of the Gentiles has been fulfilled; that is, Gentile World Power must run its course Luke 21:24; Daniel 2:34-35; the the Deliverer will come out of Zion. Once the Two Prophetic events are identified the colloquy of the Bible Drama can be easily recognized, traced, identified by events fulfilled in the course of Human History, example; the 70 Years ended with Return to Land under Ezra, Nehemiah and King Zerubbabel. Jeremiah 29:10. Homo Sapien, made in Gods image, nations of earth have the ability to know the One True God; and His Son. Gentile World Dominion is shattered by Armageddon Return of the Conquering Messiah.
Isaiah 63


It is WRITTEN starts at Genesis 3:15; The Fall, The Curse, The Redemption, Mercy & Wrath & Justice and Final Restoration of the Seed of the Woman, the People, the Land.

Matthew 24 Great Tribulation Olivet Discourse Destruction of 2nd Temple Foretold, narrated by Jesus-Anointed One, on the Temple grounds in Jerusalem, Daniel’s Seventieth Week, the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls of Wrath of Revelation, the Storyline Summary of Prophetic Events of the 2nd Coming, and the End of the Gentile Age of Kingdoms on Earth… In addition to, the sequenced Signs of Wars, Rumors of War-International Conflict, Famines, Pestilence, Persecutions and False Christs, enable clear identifcation of the current; Time.

Corona Novel19 is a sequenced Plague, COVID 19 is a Biblical Pestilence Identified by its extent over the Earth; spoken by Jeremiah; the 7 Plagues of the Last Days.





04.03.2021 in Confident Faith





Have we been Willingly Ignorant Yes!How by not picking up and looking at the Bibles listed; but we know park theme songs, tracks into unkown worlds, witch craft with kids on a stick, Shakespeare, but Not …One of few things requested straight up, Study To Show Yourself Approved to God, A Workman Not Too Be Ashamed… did you see that, a job title, Workman”, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth… did you see that, its the Job, to compare scripture with scripture.

We Have Failed; We Must Repent. Look at Daniel 9, he was in the same place; he realized he was not Rightly Dividing the Word, by missing the relevant thing Jeremiah had spoke in Chapter 25 & 29 PROPHECY OF THE SEVENTY YEARS… THE KEY TO ALL PROPHETIC TEXT; AS WITNESSED BY GABRIEL, WHO TURNED UP 21 DAYS AFTER THE REPENTANCE PRAYER OF DANIEL 9: 1-27.
The Words of verse 27 leads directly to a Covenant with many for one (1) Week: and in the middle of the Week, sacrifice & oblation shall cease.; and the spreading Abominations shall make it desolate., until the consummation, that determined shall be poured on the desolate. 434 Years to end of 7 weeks; the whole time from going forth of commandment to restore; to Messiah is 69 Weeks or 483 Years. Noted by Daniel 9:25-27, as the Tanakh Old Testament Coming of Messiah the Prince to the Threescore and two weweks Cutoff [Crucifixion 30AD] and Destruction of Jerusalem 70AD; came with the flood of the Roman Empire Army… until the end wars and desolations are determined Matthew 24:6-14… and you shall hear of Wars, war rumors: see that you be not troubled; for these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet… For nation risies against nation, Kingdom against Kingdom; there shall be famines, pestilences @ COVID19-2020, and earthquakes. in different places.Sorrows Beginninging; Then, affliction, Killing and Hatred of all nations for the name sake of Jesus Anointed One Christos; then many offended, betray and hate one another. Many False Prophets rise & Deceive many, inquity will abound; the Love of many grows cold [backsliders]. But he that endures to the end will be saved. And This Gospel of the Kingdom of God will be oreached in all the world.. for a Witness to all Nations; then will the end come.



04.03.2021 in Confident Faith

 ||| DEUTERONOMY 28 & 29


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An Intelligent Knowledge of History, Archaeology, Geography, Cosmology, etc.… Is Required To Understand THE Hebrew Bible a plan or convention for the construction of a subject, object, system or plan for measurable human interaction with a Holy God.