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  • REVELATION    9:20       The Fifth Trumpet; the First Woe, The Pit Open, The 10 Republic Caliphate Kingdoms, Torment for 5 Months
  • REVELATION  11:6          We ARE HERE Time of Daniel’s Prophecy Last3 1/2 of Daniel’s 70th Week  Two Witnesses Power Witness 1 = Daniel 1260 days of prophecy  Witness 2 = Enoch Genesis 5:24   The Two OLive Trees – Two Candle Sticks Who have Power over Plagues who finish their Testimony, Beast makes war against them and overcome & kill them Witness Bodies ly where Lord Crucified  Zechariah 4:11-14 Two Anointed Ones; Malachi 4:5-6 Behold I send you Elijah before great Day of the Lord, Changing father and childrens hearts; Genesis 5:24 ; Hebrews 11:5
  • REVELATION  15:1          7 Angels Seven Plagues… in the plagues is filled the Wrath of God.
  • REVELATION  15:6           Seven Angels description outside of Temple
  • REVELATION  15:8           Temple filled with Smoke from Glory-Power of God: No man enters Temple untilthe 7 plagues of 7 Angels were fulfilled
  • REVELATION  16:9            Scorched with heat and plague repented not
  • REVELATION  16:21        7 Last Plagues
  • REVELATION  18:4          Come out of her my people that you receive not of her plagues
  • REVELATION  18:8          Her plagues come in one day; Death and Morning; Famine, she is burned with Fire (burning COVID 19 bodies in 3rd world countries)
  • REVELATION  21:9          7 Angels with 7 last plagues; show John the Bride, The Lamb’s Wife, Jerusalem, her light like a Jasper Stone clear as crystal
  • REVELATION  22:18        Adding or Subtracting from Book, brings plagues

See page 317, Bible Plagues Revelation 22:18 Plege, Greek, translated as Stripe

60 plagues listed in Leviticus 26 & Deuteronomy 28