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COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 Need To Know


Human Coronavirus Types

Scientists have divided coronaviruses into four sub-groupings, called alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Seven of these viruses can infect people:

  • 229E (alpha)
  • NL63 (alpha)
  • OC43 (beta)
  • HKU1 (beta
  • MERS-CoV, a beta virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
  • SARS-CoV, a beta virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  • SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19


“L” and “S.” differences in two places. It looks like the S type came first… L type more common early in the outbreak. One may cause more disease than the other… more data to really know what the strains mean to human health and COVID-19.






I KINGS 8:37


Amos 4:10; parallel misfortunes




Weekly Epidemiological Update—27-october-2020


COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update Data as received by WHO from national authorities, as of 25 October 2020, 10 am CEST For the latest data and information on COVID-19, please see: • WHO COVID-19 Dashboard • WHO COVID-19 Weekly Operational Update Global epidemiological situation In the past week the highest number of new COVID-19 cases have been reported globally, amounting to over 2 million new cases in the past 7 days (Figure 1), the shortest intervals for this exponential increase since the start of the pandemic, while the number of new deaths is comparable to previous weeks. As of 25 October, over 42 million cases and 1.1 million deaths have been reported globally, with over 2.8 million new cases and nearly 40 000 new deaths reported over the past week. Figure 1: Number of COVID-19 cases reported weekly by WHO Region, and global deaths, 30 December 2019 through 25 October 2020** **See data table and figure notes. For the second consecutive week the European Region accounts for the greatest proportion of reported new cases, with over 1.3 million new cases reported this past week – a 33% increase in cases compared to the previous week – contributing nearly half of all new cases reported worldwide this week (46%) (Table 1). Similarly, the number of deaths continues to increase in the region with a 35% increase from last week and accounting for nearly one third of all new deaths globally. Although not as substantial, increases in reported new cases were also observed in the Region of the Americas, Eastern-Mediterranean and African regions. Declines in cases and deaths continued to be reported in the South-East Asia region while the Western Pacific region has shown a slight decline in new cases and deaths in the past 7 days. 0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 0 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 2 000 000 2 500 000 3 000 000 3 500 000 30-Dec 20-Jan 10-Feb 2-Mar 23-Mar 13-Apr 4-May 25-May 15-Jun 6-Jul 27-Jul 17-Aug 7-Sep 28-Sep 19-Oct Deaths Cases Week reported Americas South-East Asia Europe Eastern Mediterranean Africa Western Pacific Deaths Despite regional variations the countries reporting the highest number of cases in the past week remain the same as the previous 3 weeks: India, the United States of America, France, Brazil and the United Kingdom. Additional Region-specific information can be found below: African Region, Region of the Americas, Eastern Mediterranean Region, European Region, South-East Asia Region, and Western-Pacific Region. Table 1. Newly reported and cumulative COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths, by WHO Region, as of 25 October 2020** WHO Region New cases in last 7 days (%) Change in new cases in last 7 days Cumulative cases (%) New deaths in last 7 days (%) Change in new deaths in last 7 days* Cumulative deaths (%) Europe 1 335 914 (46%) 36% 9 664 042 (22%) 11 733 (30%) 37% 270 972 (23%) Americas 884 318 (31%) 11% 19 737 794 (46%) 16 918 (43%) 4% 625 973 (54%) South-East Asia 445 886 (15%) -13% 8 969 707 (21%) 5 756 (14%) -16% 140 827 (12%) Eastern Mediterranean 159 166 (6%) 11% 2 955 552 (7%) 4 035 (10%) 15% 75 133 (6%) Africa 32 123 (1%) 2% 1 298 315 (3%) 832 (2%) -21% 29 277 (3%) Western Pacific 27 197 (1%) -4% 715 300 (2%) 438 (1%) -6% 15 314 (1%) † Other – – 741 (


Taken on OCT 30 2020